3 February 2005, Moscow – ??? Pharmacy Chain 36.6. The company management estimates its consolidated 2004 sales of USD210 million.
According to the Company’s management accounts the consolidated net sales reached USD210 million in 2004, 42% up from 2003. Retail sales rose by 76% from 2003 reaching USD134 million. The Company reports under International Accounting Standards (IAS). Audited financials are to be expected in the second quarter of 2005, the Company’s auditor is Deloitte.
As of February 1, Pharmacy Chain operated 258 pharmacies. In 2004, 69 new pharmacies were opened while 21 pharmacies were re-branded. Throughout the last year the Company entered new markets including Bashkiria, Nizhny Novgorod, Saint-Petersburg, and Ulyanovsk. At the same time, 36,6 continued its expansion in the Moscow logistic region.
Artem Bektemirov, Pharmacy Chain CEO, commented, “Last year we reached a national level in our development. We see our main challenge today in streamlining the operational processes and further retail technology refinement. Equally important for us is to continuously explore our customers’ preferences in different regions, so that every customer may find everything necessary for healthy lifestyle.
At the end of December 2004, the Company became listed at RTS and MICEX. Ordinary shares of OJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6 were included into the “B” Quotation lists of both RTS and MICEX.