In 2004, AO MOSENERGO considerably reduced the air pollution in the Moscoe region due to the implementation of environmental measures and lower usage of solid fuel at power stations.
The environmental protection is a priority for AO MOSENERGO that participates in the Moscow Government Long-Term Environmental Program until 2010. In the last decade, the company has never exceeded the environmental norms. AO MOSENERGO takes special measures to reduce the impact on the environment through introducing new equipment and technologies. Lately, the share of the natural gas in the fuel balance of AO MOSENERGO reached 93% which also helped to reduce pollution. Compared to 1993, the level of pollution at AO MOSENERGO's CHP's went down almost 2 times.
During the four months of 2004, the total volume of pollution at all AO MOSENERGO's stations decreased almost 18%. The amount of nytrogene oxide and nytrogene dioxide, as well as fuel oil particles decreased 10%. The exausts of solid fuel went down 18,5% while sulphur dioxide polluition decreased 30%.
Power companies account only for 5% of total air pollution in the Moscow region. The main source of adverse air impact in the region are cars that exhaust more than 85% pollutants.